What You Should Expect From Your Recording Session
When you go to a recording session, there are things you should expect when it comes to hospitality, professionalism, care, and the process. I’ve put together some things that you should definitely expect when you want to field comfortable and productive during your recording session.
Craziest Weekend In A While!
Read about the productive weekend we had with Zack Hyde and Dcasso! Includes pictures of our performance in Cincinnati and updates to the Panda Gang brand.
Harlem Indynois - Creating the Nois and Waking Up the Repressed
There is more that meets the eye with Harlem Indynois and his love for music. In the short time frame I was able to speak with him, I was able to assess that he is indeed a very intelligent and aware individual, as I have already stated. There is a clever input instilled in his thought process and the way he sees things.
Recording Session with Dcasso
Read about this past weekend's recording session with Lima, Ohio artist Dcasso and his upcoming album Where I'm At.